Maybe I've been looking at this the wrong way.
Is obedience simply something that is required? Is it a chore? How do I do it with joy... with absolute trust? I've been asking these questions a lot lately. I want to be obedient; in fact, I think that I am for the most part. But, I want to find how to be 'peacefully' obedient. I have come to realize that I can only do this by putting my full trust in the One that I am obeying. I've been reading in Exodus and in just one sitting I read the following:
Aside from the incredible privilege of seeing that (yeah, yeah; I'm that old! :), I think that the next great reward of obedience comes in the form of 'peace'. What a treasure (& relief) peace is; for when I am not struggling against God well, I am not struggling! Take time to ponder this today. Obedience to a gracious, kind and merciful God is His way of rewarding us. What a good God we serve. |
Inquiring MINDS
Please inquire for the word of the LORD today. 1 Kings 22:5