I posted this on my Twitter feed and thought, I'd like to say more... @wandamann: There is no greater joy than to see your children passionately worshiping God and leading others in that pursuit.
As a parent, I have celebrated first words, first steps, potty training, first day at school, last day at school, jobs, weddings, babies, etcetera, etcetera. There have been so many "proud parent moments" that they are innumerable. But, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the best moments are the ones when I see them passionately worshiping God and leading others in that pursuit. I am aware that because of the image I posted, it may appear that I am referring to being a skilled worship leader in a band and leading large crowds. I can't deny that these are fun moments and my heart does quite a flip as I watch the response from a crowd, BUT these are NOT the significant moments. The significant moments are in the pursuing, engaging, following, and making a life statement of love and surrender to their God... my God. It's in the little things, the attitudes, the humility, the patience, the forgiveness, and the choices made privately to serve others; and the perseverance and commitment to the church of Jesus and to His wisdom. That's when my heart flips with profound joy! The strength of what others see in public, comes from the cumulative effect of the small. When we love and honour God with everything, His destiny for us will be totally fulfilled. If God's destiny for you is fulfilled, yours is also. There is no higher calling, no greater satisfaction. So, as a parent my heart is full when I observe fruit from the small choices that my children have made. I have to think that God is like that toward us as well... So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’” Luke 10:27
Inquiring MINDS
Please inquire for the word of the LORD today. 1 Kings 22:5