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Ready for a Change. Nothing stays stationary. Everything keeps moving. If I do not stay anchored to what I believe in, I can drift off shore somewhere. I must know what to put my anchor in and then make sure that it is in! ...I want truth!
Worship. ‘Worship’ is a big word! It is a serious one that has great significance. It is something that I can only give to one, and that is God. And, because of that, I need to know His definition of it.
When Forgiveness Knocked. Do you want to know how to open the door of freedom from the past for yourself or someone else? Jesus showed us how on the cross when He said, 'Father forgive them for they don't know...' "Knock, knock. Who's there?"
Unlikely. UNLIKELY women used for the purposes of God! (lessons from the book of Ruth)
"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." 1 Corinthians 1:27
Made to Serve. There seems to be a heart cry in our nation for the truth of the Gospel, a longing for the church to be what it was intended to be... to be like Jesus. “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd risks and lays down His [own] life for the sheep.” John 10:11 AMP
The Pro-31 Woman. Take a look at Proverbs 31 with fresh eyes...
Motherhood is not for Wimps! "We are all monuments to the choices we make ... some of them happen to look like our children!"
The Gift of the Holy Spirit. We are spiritual beings in a physical body... and have the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit that has been offered to us not only to guide from the outside, but from the inside as well...if we so choose to have Him do that.