![]() As I was reading my Bible one morning I was constantly having to refocus. My mind was not listening and instead was in full throttle worry over things that I knew I should not be concerning myself with. That's when I stopped and said (out-loud)... My mind is my worst enemy! It dwells on things it shouldn't. It fast forwards and then rewinds. It seems to have its own will. Sigh. And then I heard Paul saying (not out-loud :), "O wretched person that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?" But wait, he then says... "So then, with my mind I myself serve the law of God... (Romans 7:24,25) For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit." (Romans 7:25; 8:5) With my mind? When I am muddling over things that have already taken place, I am concerning myself with what I have no power over. When I am rehearsing the future, I am concerning myself with things that do not belong to me. I am serving my appetites, desires and fears -- not God. When my mind is serving the Spirit of God it is not strategizing on how to fix someone or something else that was not given to me to fix. It is alert and at rest and becomes an asset for God's kingdom, full of the thoughts and ways of Christ. It sees clearly, discerns rightly, listens well, responds obediently, and sleeps well at night. It loves and believes the impossible. It believes the best and is ready for God's direction & wisdom. Does this resonate with you? Has your mind gone off track? If so, why don't you pray what I did: Forgive me, Lord for forgetting. Forgive me for taking ownership - for taking Your spot. I set my mind on You and Your ways. I set my mind on the things of the Spirit. Have a peaceful & effective day! You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. |
Inquiring MINDS
Please inquire for the word of the LORD today. 1 Kings 22:5