cov·e·nant (kv-nnt)n.1. A binding agreement; a compact. See Synonyms at bargain.2. Law a. A formal sealed agreement or contract.b. A suit to recover damages for violation of such a contract.3. In the Bible, God's promise to the human race.v. cov·e·nant·ed, cov·e·nant·ing, cov·e·nants To promise by or as if by a covenant.v.intr. To enter into a covenant. Last night, in a Bible lesson, the word 'covenant' came up. Interesting ... old word. It struck a deep cord in me. There are legal covenants and spiritual ones. Legal covenants are those that we sign in contract - a marriage license being the most obvious. A spiritual covenant is not necessarily made by the ink of a pen, but is possibly just as binding. My word is a signature. When I promise something to myself or someone else, I am making a commitment or a vow. I know this sounds like strong language, but think of it. What are some of the most hurtful things that you have experienced in life? Are they not through promises broken, love broken, trust and loyalties broken? Even though untimely deaths are the hardest things in life to bear, (trust me, I know) the next in my mind would be the tearing apart of great relationships. On the other hand, what are some of the most satisfying and rewarding experiences? For me, I would have to say that they are the long term relationships that I have. Love proven through just about everything imaginable! From the capital C kind of covenant (marriage) to the small 'c' kind (brothers, sisters, friends) all are important and all should reflect the image of God. With that in mind, my heart aches to see the church of Christ moving in covenant with one another - in true, selfless unity. Honouring Jesus together, honouring one another in all our differences of style and culture; celebrating the One who covenanted with us to be his family forever. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. John 17:21 New Living Translation (NLT) My husband once said that this is the one, still unanswered prayer of Jesus. This aught not to be so. Because God covenanted with Abraham and with his seed -- that would be the church worldwide - I do as well. Will you join me? Let's pray for the capital 'C' church to have 'C' covenant relationship - all for the cause of Christ Jesus! Lord God, may your will be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven! Amen! |
Inquiring MINDS
Please inquire for the word of the LORD today. 1 Kings 22:5